subject index

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  1. There's even a special subject index.
  2. Look for the book in the subject index.
  3. This main heading within the Subject Index contains groups of electroacoustic works that can be claimed to form a musical genre or category by content, means, aesthetic or listening context.
  4. This major header in the Subject Index consists of relevant means employed in the sonic production of electroacoustic music.
  5. The Key Word Index and the Subject Index in the Scientific Treatises
  6. The Description and Compilation of Manual Subject Index
  7. Discipline Tree and Temporal and Spatial Characteristics of Tourism Studies: An Analysis on Thirty Years of Subject Index of Annals of Tourism Research
  8. Journal of experimental mechanics Vol. 1 ( 1986) analytic subject index
  9. Subject index is the important technique which may control the literature information resource.
  10. The paper introduces a method to compile subject index with the functions of "transforming character into table" and "mail merging" of Microsoft Word and its application range, advantages, disadvantages and issues that should be paid attention to.
  11. Roles of Subject Index in Document Retrievals and the Countermeasures to Improve Index Quality
  12. He deems that the efficiency of information retrieval can be raised if citation index retrieval and subject index retrieval are integrated.
  13. Journal of Zhejiang University ( Science Edition) Vol.33 No.1& 6,2006 Subject Index
  14. CT Theory and applications main subject index by volume 12 no.1~ 3 in 2003
  15. It provides not only the computerized information retrieval, but also "The Announcement of academic proceedings in China" and its subject index compiled by computer after the establishment of the data-base.
  16. To meet the needs of modernizations of public documents management and subject index search by computer, subject terms are required to be marked in the documents so as to further normalize them for filing.
  17. JOURNAL OF AEROSPACE POWER ( Bimonthly) Subject Index Volume 21 2006
  18. This paper introduces the subject scope, collected papers and publications of the, and expounds in detail four kinds of indexes of the, which are the subject index, author index, origin index and topic index.
  19. Classify universe model study on the pattern of laying out subject index
  20. Author index and subject index of Chinese Journal of rehabilitation
  21. ASI is the abbreviation for Articulated Subject Index.
  22. Iron and steel& volume 14 1979 subject index
  23. Automatic Subject Index Retrieval for the Famous Classic The Dream of the Red Chamber
  24. A simple method using Word to compile subject index
  25. This paper analyzes on the present situation of book cataloguing work, and expounds some new ideas on the quality control of cataloging data from aspects of the description of machine-readable catalogue forms, the book subject index, and the book classification index, etc.
  26. Among a great deal of indexes in prescription bolting and optimization, release rate is chosen as the subject index. Main factors which impact release rate of tablet will be tried randomly to bolt and pick out a prescription.